Thursday, February 7, 2008

Forex Enterprise

I just finished reading (it's true I bought it and it includes some good bonuses) Nick Mark's "Forex Enterprise" and I must tell you that it's the most complete ebook I have ever read. It's even on several webpages as one of the top programs and I can say it's true.

You can check it here.

Forex Enterprise

Here's my rating *****

Cost: $49.95
Difficulty: Easy
Time to get started: 4 hours
Money Potential: High

Forex Enterprises provides the MOST EXTENSIVE collections of ways to make money. Unlike some of the other programs, Forex Enterprises goes fairly in-depth with all of these other programs. (Included: Paid Surveys, Ebay Selling, Adsense, Wholesaling, DropShipping, True Data Entry and more!)

Forex Enterprise

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

SeoBook - Free Keyboard Research Tool

Today I found a Free Keyword Research Tool It's called SEO Book Keyword Tool.
It offers rough suggested monthly search volumes by market for Google, Yahoo!, and MSN.
It also provides links to price estimate tools from Google AdWords. That Google AdWords tool shows the necessary bid to rank #1 for 85% of queries, and roughly how much traffic you could expect AdWords to send you based on that bid price and ad position.
And more...

If you don't want to pay a keyword tool like Wordtracker, then you can test this site, I did find some good keywords for my projects. I know it will work for you too.